Patty y Armando

Nuestra Boda

Getting There


Capilla San Jerónimo

Ave. San Jerónimo No. 110, Col. Tlaltengo, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.


Jardín Ramayana

Calle del Trabajo S/N, Colonia Parres, Jiutepec, Morelos, México.

Driving from Mexico City.

The following map indicates how to get to San Jerónimo Chapeland to the venue, Jardín Ramayana, from Mexico City.

View Boda AJ-PJ in a larger map

Private transportation to Cuernavaca, Morelos.

Llamada sin costo desde México / Toll free from Mexico: 01 800 832 86 30
Tel.: (777) 318 22 97 Tel./Fax.: (777) 318 94 54

By Bus

Buses to Cuernavaca from Mexico City International Airport